Distributed Governance and Value Creation in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design
Economics Letters, 2025 (with V. Lo Monaco and S. Vismara)
Abstract: Distributed governance mechanisms increase tokenholder value in decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) when decision-making is contested. Using a comprehensive dataset of proposals voted on within blockchain-based DAOs from 2020 to 2024, we exploit a regression discontinuity design on proposals that pass or fail by a close margin around the majority threshold. Local average treatment effects indicate that proposal passage increases DAO token returns by 4.7% at the margin. Further, a one standard deviation increase in vote participation amplifies this effect by 2.2%. Proxies for democratization and decentralization also increase the value-creating effect of contested decision-making in DAOs. Our findings contribute to understanding how distributed governance structures create value in digital organizations. [working paper version here]